Now that you have your uniform is also important to learn the proper way to tie your belt.
Japanese Pronunciation
Since Aikido is a Japanese Art, it uses a lot of Japanese words.
While training in Aikido does not include mastering the Japanese language, for those of you who are interested, this is a more in-depth guide for the pronunciation and meaning of Japanese words and terms related to our training.
Similar to Spanish, Japanese generally has only one sound assigned to each vowel:
- a = “aw” sound as in raw, top, calm.
- i = “ee” as in eel, meal, iguana.
- u = “00” as in moon, tune, flu.
- e = “eh” as in met, well, elevator.
- o = “oh” as in open, tone, loan.
In Japanese, each syllable is pronounced for an equal amount of time. The word hakama is often pronounced in a more English way: “huh-KAW-muh”, but in Japanese would be closer to sounding like “hakka-ma”
New Class coming up
Hey guys, we are very thrilled to start a new class starting November 3 (Aikido Adaptive) from 10:00AM – 12:00pm with Mark Smith.
For those who are new to Aikido or who want to get back on the mat. Everyone is welcome.